EPB Reporter

Buildings last at least decades. So today's builders and remodelers determine the energy use of future generations. Not surprisingly, Flemish regulations on energy-efficient construction are becoming increasingly stringent. By 2021, the government aims for "nearly energy-neutral" construction. As an EPB reporter, you are responsible for monitoring these standards, [...]

Battery Specialist

Not a day goes by where you don't use batteries, from small (shaver, smartphone, drone, laptop, etc.) to large (electric bike, scooter, car, bus, etc.). Battery technology is ubiquitous today. With the extremely rapid emergence of all kinds of mobile electrical solutions and the entry of batteries into our electrical grid, there are also opportunities to [...]

Air conditioning and heat pump installer (with prior knowledge)

Comfortable and environmentally conscious living has become affordable for more and more people. However, the installation of air conditioning or heat pumps requires some skill! If you are handy and would like to do installations of air conditioners and/or heat pumps, then this course is for you!

EIT InnoEnergy Battery Specialist among others.

Not a day goes by without the use of batteries, from small (shaver, smartphone, drone, laptop, etc.) to large (electric bike, scooter, car, bus, etc.). Battery technology is ubiquitous today. With the extremely rapid emergence of all kinds of mobile electrical solutions and the entry of batteries into our electricity grid, opportunities are arising to make the right technology choices [...].