Solar panel installer

Solar panels are no longer a novelty. This short course is not only about solar panels but also about inverters, communication and installation. An extra injection of knowledge so that you as installer can help your customers even better. 

AI for energy and sustainability

Are you ready to accelerate the energy transition with AI? Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the energy sector at breakneck speed. From smart energy consumption to predictive maintenance of wind turbines - AI is here to stay. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to be at the forefront of this technological revolution. Become the expert that energy companies [...]

IoT Smart Buildings

Enter the future of buildings that think and live with you. Smart buildings are more than just smart thermostats - they are digital brains that optimize energy, personalize comfort and ensure security. Sensors and systems communicate seamlessly with each other, from climate control to access control. The Internet of Things is transforming traditional buildings into responsive, self-learning [...]

Smart integrate charging stations

Are you also amazed by the meteoric growth of electric cars? The future of mobility is electric, but is your building ready for it? Smart charging stations are more than just charging points - they are the key to efficient energy management, cost savings and sustainability. Discover how smart charging infrastructure makes your property future-proof and provides immediate returns. The [...]

Installer of energy management systems

If you are interested in technological advances in the energy world, cost savings on energy consumption for customers and the growing demand for sustainable solutions, then this energy management systems installer course is right up your alley. You will learn to professionally design and implement energy management solutions and provide customized recommendations of energy management solutions. You will get to install energy saving equipment [...]

Energy Monitoring

The energy sector is in full transition. This makes it increasingly difficult for an energy professional, with the current set of knowledge and skills, to participate and contribute to the energy transition in the coming years. The 'Monitoring' course was developed to respond to the competence needs due to the digitalization of energy and the [...]

Energy Regulation

The energy sector is in full transition. This makes it increasingly difficult for an energy professional, with the current set of knowledge and skills, to participate and contribute to the energy transition in the coming years. The training 'Regulation' has been developed to respond to the competence needs due to the digitalization of energy and the [...]

Technician Autonomous Robotics

It is no longer a utopia: robots can take over many of our tasks. For industrial and household tasks, such as assembling cars or mowing lawns, we are increasingly using robots. But ... according to several studies, robots will also create more jobs in the coming years. One million industrial robots currently in use are directly responsible [...]

Thermal Data Capture With Drones

The trainee can perform a thermal data capture flight which complies with the necessary flight procedures and knows how to correctly process the flight capture data in the necessary software into a final report for the customer.

Postgraduate Energy Transition

Energy transition within climate action and a low-carbon, sustainable economy. Since many environmental and climate issues are unfortunately intertwined ("wicked problems"), a broad view of current needs and trends will be discussed. This training will be organized in the future.