Solar thermal energy systems - Domestic hot water (rescert)

The Flemish, Walloon and Brussels Capital Regions have set up a harmonized system aimed at training and certifying reliable and quality installers. At syntrapxl, you can take the training course "Certified installer of renewable energy" recognized by the Flemish Energy Agency ( VEA ) and distinguish yourself as a trained expert in [...]

Air conditioning and heat pump installer (with prior knowledge)

Comfortable and environmentally conscious living has become affordable for more and more people. However, the installation of air conditioning or heat pumps requires some skill! If you are handy and would like to do installations of air conditioners and/or heat pumps, then this course is for you!

Battery system performance, including efficiency measurement on real battery systems such as home batteries.

Combined losses of the converter and battery in an electrical systemEfficiency of coupling different components. Example with the powertrain of an electric car. Lab experiment with a Li-Ion USB-C powerbank with AC charger and USB dummy loadVerify capacity and energy content. Measure energy losses and efficiency of a charge-discharge cycle. Cost of energy losses. Home battery storage for [...]

Data science for energy engineers: the case of demand-side management. Learn how to analyze, predict and optimize energy demand using Python

The aim of this course is to introduce a number of widely used techniques in the fields of machine learning, data science and optimization, focusing particularly on their application in the energy sector. In addition to covering the theory behind these techniques, the course also provides a hands-on introduction to several concrete use cases in the field [...].

EIT InnoEnergy Battery Specialist among others.

Not a day goes by without the use of batteries, from small (shaver, smartphone, drone, laptop, etc.) to large (electric bike, scooter, car, bus, etc.). Battery technology is ubiquitous today. With the extremely rapid emergence of all kinds of mobile electrical solutions and the entry of batteries into our electricity grid, opportunities are arising to make the right technology choices [...].