Energy Monitoring

The energy sector is in full transition. This makes it increasingly difficult for an energy professional, with the current set of knowledge and skills, to participate and contribute to the energy transition in the coming years. The 'Monitoring' course was developed to respond to the competence needs due to the digitalization of energy and the [...]

Digital SME construction company (5-day course)

Are you an SME construction company taking or wanting to take the first steps in digitization? Think about calculation programs, warehouse/stock management, 3D drawings / BIM models or the use of smartphones / tablets to use some useful apps, then this training is for you! 

EPB Reporter

Buildings last at least decades. So today's builders and remodelers determine the energy use of future generations. Not surprisingly, Flemish regulations on energy-efficient construction are becoming increasingly stringent. By 2021, the government aims for "nearly energy-neutral" construction. As an EPB reporter, you are responsible for monitoring these standards, [...]

Postgraduate Energy Transition

Energy transition within climate action and a low-carbon, sustainable economy. Since many environmental and climate issues are unfortunately intertwined ("wicked problems"), a broad view of current needs and trends will be discussed. This training will be organized in the future.