Postgraduate Energy Transition
Energy transition within climate action and a low-carbon, sustainable economy. Since many environmental and climate issues are unfortunately intertwined ("wicked problems"), a broad view of current needs and trends will be discussed. This training will be organized in the future.
SmartDistribution Systems
Data science for energy engineers: the case of demand-side management. Learn how to analyze, predict and optimize energy demand using Python
The aim of this course is to introduce a number of widely used techniques in the fields of machine learning, data science and optimization, focusing particularly on their application in the energy sector. In addition to covering the theory behind these techniques, the course also provides a hands-on introduction to several concrete use cases in the field [...].
Battery system performance, including efficiency measurement on real battery systems such as home batteries.
Combined losses of the converter and battery in an electrical systemEfficiency of coupling different components. Example with the powertrain of an electric car. Lab experiment with a Li-Ion USB-C powerbank with AC charger and USB dummy loadVerify capacity and energy content. Measure energy losses and efficiency of a charge-discharge cycle. Cost of energy losses. Home battery storage for [...]
Training on IEC 61850-based digital substation
Training on using openIDEAS for modeling (office) buildings
Optimization problems in energy systems
This course provides an introduction to various optimization problems typically encountered in energy systems and markets. You will learn how to mathematically formulate these problems, implement them in general programming languages, and use approximation and relaxation techniques to improve computational performance. What you will learn:
Photovoltaic solar energy systems (Rescert).
The Flemish, Walloon and Brussels Capital Regions have established a harmonized system aimed at "training and certification of reliable and quality installers. At syntrapxl, you can take these RESCert "Renewable Energy Systems Certification" courses and distinguish yourself as a trained expert in the field of small-scale/residential energy systems. These trainings are recognized [...]